Call us today to learn more!
Newport News clinic
12700 McManus Blvd. | STE 101 | Newport News VA 23602
Norfolk clinic
155 Kingsley Lane | DePaul Medical Center | STE 300 | Norfolk, VA 23505
Virginia Beach clinic
477 Viking Dr. | Pinehurst Centre | STE 430 | Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Have symptoms of neuropathy?

National Neuropathy Centers specializes in treating sympotoms of neuropathy and wants to help patients return to their life before the pain, burning, and numbness. Give us a call today and learn more about how we can help you!
Book a FREE Consultation TODAY!!!
Say goodbye to pain, burning, and numbness!
Call the number below and schedule your FREE consultation!

"The only thing you have to lose is your pain"
Our treatments and services are all designed to cure the cause of the issue or as close to it as possible.
NNC staff has standard medical training in standard medical schools but well above standard services.
Neuropathy affects 30 million Americans and has no cure. The only available treatment are the drugs Gabapentin and Lyrica. Neither of which have much effect nor address the cause. NNC has performed hundreds of thousands Cell Signaling treatments. 85% of these patients have improved by at least 50%. NNC is using a technology called Cell Signaling. Cell Signaling is a chemical / electro treatment which signals the mitochondria of each cell to produce normal energy for that cell and heal from the inside out. This technology has been under research and development since the 1980s but took decades of research to get FDA regulation and coverage by insurance.