The primary job of all NNC providers is to practice the Best Practices First policy. NNC will only offer services of any kind that fall under the very best in the art and science of medicine. We will never offer a service that is not compliant with the laws of medicine or for profit only.
All providers will first be the doctor and to the best of their ability Diagnose and make recommendations they see fit for their patient. Each provider, no matter what letters fall after their name will know, understand, and be cognizant of each specialist's services within the company for efficient referrals for care.
Essential Job Functions for Medical Doctors, Doctors of Osteopathy, and Nurse Practitioners:
Inject Trigger Points
Intra-Joint Injections
Soft Tissue Injections
Prescribe for pain gels, creams, and patches (we do not prescribe schedule 1 or 2 drugs but you are free to prescribe properly to help patients get off opioid addiction)
Perform SPG blocks
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Perform Exams
Take X-rays / Fluoroscopy
Perform Consultations
Please contact us with any questions.